пʼятниця, 4 листопада 2011 р.

Trader path

Trading is hardcore......

It will test you with every new trade, every second you are in the trade......

If you want to succeed, you must do everything on your own.

Forget all the books and seminars and stuff in forums, you have learned --- and start to think for yourself and analyze the markets.

1. You must becom a scientist, to research the price behaviour.
2. you must create trading plans.
3. you must backtest your plans, with over hundreds of examles.
4. you must trade them in real time.
5. you must always learn your own rules and try to understand them.
6. you must start to trade with your own real money.
7. you must face the greed and fear, what comes, when you trade with your real money.

8. you must master the discipline quest.

9. you must train yourself everyday. pschological and strategies backtesting.

10. you must feel good about it.

11. you must understand you are now a constant money making trader.

12. you must make money and safe money.

This is hardcore !!!

If you start now, doing this fulltime, it will take you easily another 4 years.

Thats my way, its the only way.

Good luck

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