середа, 23 березня 2011 р.

Darkstar II

I'd like to try and clarify a few things...

First off, what Scotty is doing is one way to trade orderflow, but it isn't THE way. The truth is, there is no ONE way to trade orderflow.

As I've said before, orderflow trading is a mindset. The common thread that ties it all together is making decisions based on future orders. Sometimes those orders come from fundamental factors (econ reports or headlines), sometimes from technical (trend lines or fibs), sometimes there are simply no more orders to support the continuation of a trend (exhaustion).

What people like Sauron and Pip are hung up on is the fact that we have no time and sales. There is also no way of getting a brokers real time book, so they conclude that there is no way to front run big orders. They have a valid point, but they are missing the forest for the trees.

This isn't about front running (in the traditional sense). The truth is, as a retail trader there is zero opportunity to know when Toyota is going to make a block purchase of yen. So looking for a way to do it is a fool’s errand.

What’s also a fools errand is assuming that a fib or a trend line will "cause" price to do anything. All the technical patterns, tools, and indicators are arbitrary constructs humans project onto the market in an effort to understand what is likely to happen. Price doesn't give a crap about a trend line or a fib, but humans do. It's the humans acting on these patterns and indicators by placing orders that impact price.

It may seem like splitting hairs, but I can't tell you how many people genuinely think a trend line or an S&R level CAUSES price to reverse. Raise your hand if you have ever put your entry order 5 pips ahead of the trend line with your stop 5 pips beyond it. If you have you know exactly what I mean.

The flip side has a group of people who assume that fundamental factors cause prices to move. Whether its predicated on the idea that markets are efficient or that securities have some intrinsic value, I'm not sure. What I do know is that all the fundamental factors point to the euro falling, yet it's up 500 or so pips and rising.

Neither school of thought is capable of producing long term profits. I know there will be people who disagree with me on that, but I can point to the simple fact that if either were viable, someone who learned the principles out of a book would be able to instantly become profitable when trading. Even with 80k members at forex factory, I can't think of anybody who has been profitable from day one.

It takes years to learn how to trade because there is a subliminal message in the market that has to be learned from experience. Which trend line bounce should be taken and which should be skipped? What news is going to drive price through an S&R to start a trend? If you've been profitable for any length of time you know it's the trades you skip which lead to bankable profits.

The concept of order flow seeks to focus a traders attention on the subliminal message. By constantly asking yourself what is going to compel traders to enter and where, you cut right past all the TA/FA bullshit to what really matters... the orders.

Instead of trading because there is a trend line, you examine what happens to price when the trend line is reached. You figure out that 9 times in 10 price penetrates the fib level before reversing. And that price often reverses right at the point where people "should" place their stops. And that no matter what the fundamental story, if the COT is breaking records, a cataclysmic reversal is inevitable.

At the end of the day, an experienced order flow trader doesn't need to see the actual orders to know what’s about to happen. If you know why a majority of people will want to trade in the future then you can get in ahead of them and profit. It's really that simple...


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